Expert Study
Outbound logistics becomes a success factor for the automotive industry
The waves of disruption in the automotive industry are not stopping at finished vehicle logistics: volatile production output clash with serious capacity bottlenecks and increased sustainability targets. To successfully navigate through times of change and to unlock new potentials, market players need to reassess their role in the ecosystem and increase their flexibility. Together with leading players, we evaluated and described action fields for automotive outbound logistics.

Infront Consulting & Management GmbH
Highly concentrated Solutions
Infront is a leading strategy and management consultancy with a focus on digital transformation. In our key industries, we advise on all topics, especially business model strategies, innovation ecosystems and core business transformation.
Together with KPS, Infront provides the strategic and overarching foundation for your company’s digital transformation that is immediately effective, customized, and stands out in the market.

Infront repeatedly wins choice awards that come from different and particularly credible adjudicating bodies: an interdisciplinary expert jury (“Best of Consulting”), broad-based competitor and client surveys (“Best Consultants”) and the in-depth survey on 500 senior managers (“Hidden Champion”). This is supplemented by the many awards bestowed on KPS AG.